Protect your Dog
Your dog is your best friend. One snake bite can result in their death and a vet bill of around $7000 on average. Each week I attend properties where at least 5 dogs are bitten by snakes during peak snake season (these dogs have not been trained). Canine Snake Avoidance is well known and published for teaching dogs to effectively avoid snakes. To learn more about canine snake avoidance, click HERE or call 0491 120 668.

How Does It Work?
Canine Snake Avoidance Training is teaching your dog to avoid (stay away) from snakes. Mark Pelley - The Snake hunter teaches dogs to avoid snakes through the use of both operant and classical conditioning so your dog learns cognitively to stay away from snakes and also develops a negative association with snakes. This enables the dog to develop the understanding to stay away from snakes regardless of the location, type of snake or whether or not the owner is present at home. Originally developed in Australia by dog behaviourist Seth Pywell (Perth), this concept of training has been developed and refined over time and is now on offer in Victoria. Don't let your dog be at risk. Mark Pelley is the only person in Victoria directly taught by Seth in proper dog snake avoidance.

Why is Canine Snake Avoidance Necessary?
Canine Snake Avoidance is necessary as Australia has the most venomous snakes in the world. Australia has more venomous snakes than non venomous snakes. Of the top 10 most venomous snakes, 5 are from Australia. These include:
Death Adder (9th most venomous snake in the world)
Tiger Snake (5th Most venomous)
Coastal Taipan (3rd most venomous)
Eastern Brown (2nd most venomous)
Inland Taipan (Most venomous land snake on Earth).
A snakes WILL at some point enter and spend time in your back yard and around your house and be near your dog.

Symptoms of A Snake Bite
The effects of snake bites in dogs is catastrophic. The effects emotionally on you watching your dog slowly die from a snake bite can scar your whole family. The following symptoms are indicative of a snake bite:
vomiting and diarrhea
excessive salivation
weakness followed by collapse
shaking or twitching
loss of bladder or bowel control
blood in urine
stiffness and paralysis
Dilated pupils

If you have not trained your dog in canine snake avoidance, it may be bitten by a snake. If you think your dog has been bitten by a snake, take the following steps:
Keep calm yourself and control your own emotions
Keep your dog calm as possible and reduce stimulus around them.
Remove people who will make the situation worse.
Do NOT wash the wound.
NEVER try to catch or kill the snake yourself.
Apply a firm bandage (without restricting blood flow) around the affected limb (if possible) but do NOT torniquet the bite site.
However it is more likely that your dog has been bitten on the face. In this case, do NOT bandage.
Call The Snake Hunter on 0403 875 409 to attend and catch the snake.
Take your dog to the Vet ASAP. (The quicker you do this, the more chance of survival).

How Does the Training Work?
Canine Snake Avoidance can be conducted at your home or venue of choice. Classes are conducted in 1:1 sessions or small groups. Dog training will be based entirely on Seth Pywell's Canine Snake Avoidance Training Program and customised for your specific dog's needs and personality.
The training occurs over 2 days with a gap between training sessions. Day 1 of training is where the cognitive aspects of the training occur and the dog learns to move away from snakes upon visual contact. Day 2 of training reinforces what is learned on day 1 and also teaches snake avoidance when your dog smells snakes.
There is plenty of time between the multiple training scenarios that occur on each day to ask questions and whereby there will be explanations as to each aspect of the training.

Qualified and Insured Dog Trainer
At Canine Snake Avoidance, our head trainer - Mark Pelley is a qualified dog trainer with a Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training issued from the National Dog Trainers Federation. The Certificate III is the minimum requirement to be a dog trainer using electronic collars in Victoria. The training dog training course covers all areas of dog obedience.
Canine Snake Avoidance are fully insured and registered as a professional dog training company. That way, you know you're protected during our training. We also belong to a range of professional memberships associations for dog training listed below.
Professional Membership
Canine Snake Avoidance is proudly a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals. This is a world wide organization dedicated to promote the highest standards of professionals and business practice among canine professionals. The IACP has grown to include professionals from every facet of the dog world including trainers such as Canine Snake Avoidance. Our membership number is: 12574. For more details, click on our IACP profile below.
Professional Association
Canine Snake Avoidance is proudly part of the Pet Industry Association of Australia.

Mark Pelley The Snake Hunter frequently appears in the media for consultative advice on canine snake avoidance

external links
Click on the below links to so other websites of The Snake Hunter.
the snake hunter
The official Home Page of The Snake Hunter
mark pelley
The official Home Page of Mark Pelley
Mark Pelley The Snake Hunter in the Media
Shop 3a, 3 - 5 Inglis Street Diamond Creek VIC 3089
Ph: 0491 120 668